3. Pronunciation
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This week’s kaupapa is pronunciation. Making sure that we are pronouncing te reo correctly demonstrates respect and the value we place on te reo me ōna tikanga.
Titiro: This video of Finnian Galbraith, a student at Kāpiti College, giving a speech about the importance of correct pronunciation, went viral. Have a watch and be convinced!
Panui/Kōrero: Use this resource to make sure you are familiar with the Māori alphabet and vowel blends. Use it in combination with this video from Sharon Holt to practice pronouncing the vowels and then use the place names to practice. Find a friend and practice together.
Mahia: And now it’s your turn – collect up the Māori place names of your area and make sure that you are pronouncing them correctly.
Whakarongo/Titiro: Throughout this week, retune your radio and spend time listening to iwi radio. Pick some programmes on Māori TV or the Reo channel and spend some time watching. Can you make this a habit?
For your Kete
Ehara i te mea
Nō ināianei te aroha
Nō nga tūpuna
Tuku iho, tuku iho
Te whenua, te whenua
Te oranga o te iwi
Nō nga tūpuna
Tuku iho, tuku iho
Whakapono, tumanako
Te aroha te aroha;
Nō nga tūpuna
Tuku iho, tuku iho
This is another common waiata.
Spend some time learning it so that you can participate when it is sung.
Whakarongo: Listen to it here
There is a translation into English in the comments thread on YouTube.
Kia tau
Kia tātou katoa
Te atawhai o to tātou Ariki a Ihu Karaiti
Me te aroha o te Atua
Me te whiwhingatahitanga
Ki te Wairua Tapu
Ake, ake, ake
This is a karakia mutunga. You can use it to conclude time together.
It draws from 2 Corinthians 13:14
What words do you recognise? How have pronouns been used?
Mahia: Spend some time learning this karakia so you can use it.
This week we will learn another whakataukī that is foundational in our programme:
Iti noa ana, he pito mata.
With care, a small kūmara will produce a harvest
Whakaaroarohia: Consider the importance of correct pronunciation. For example, ensuring that you are correctly pronouncing a student’s name, contributes to forming a positive relationship. It may seem like a small thing, but by taking care with it, you and your students will reap the benefits.
Tuhituhi:Spend this week reviewing the kupu hou you have collected about pōwhiri and pepeha. Ensure your pronunciation of these words is accurate.
Returning to look at your mihi or pepeha. We will spend some time here clarifying the use of in/definite articles and singular possessive pronouns.
I have used the word ‘te’ in my sentence, ‘Ko Rangitoto te maunga.’ I use this word to indicate a correct relationship with this landmark. You will notice in the course resources that pepeha templates for Pākehā or tauiwi generally use ‘te’ and pepeha templates for Māori generally use the possessive pronouns outlined below:
Single Possessive Pronouns:
Removing the initial t makes the noun plural.
This page provides a helpful explanation of these possessive categories
Mahia: Look at the course resources for pepeha and mihi and what you have prepared for yourself.
Identify where you have used articles and where you have used possessive pronouns. Take some time to read around whether it is appropriate for you to be using te or tōku in your mihi or pepeha.
Spend some time making sure you understand how these small but important words are working in the nominal sentences of your pepeha or mihi.
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