8. Subject Specific Reo

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Our approach for the next two Lessons will be slightly different, as you will be focused on developing te reo specific to your curriculum or subject area.

In this lesson, we will be learning the vocabulary for your subject area and giving instructions specific to your subject area.

For your Kete

Purea nei e te hau
Horoia e te ua
Whitiwhitia e te rā
Ma hea ake ngā pōraruraru
Mākere ana ngā here
E rere, wairua e rere
Ki ngā ao o te rangi
Whitiwhitia e te rā
Mahea ake ngā pōraruraru
Mākere ana ngā here

This beautiful song was composed by Dr Hirini Melbourne. It is well known and often sung at pōwhiri.
You can listen to Anna Coddington singing it here and see the lyrics translated here.

E te Kaihanga, ka inoi ki a koe,
kia manaakitia mai mātou i tēnei ra (ata/ahiahi/pō).
Kia manaakitia ō mātou whānau kei ngā kainga maha.
Manaakitia ērā e māuiui ana, e rawakore ana, e pani ana.
Ūhia mai ō tō mairangi atawhai ki runga i a mātou katoa i tēnei rā. 
Korōria ki tōu ingoa tapu.

This is another karakia timatanga used to open times of gathering together. Spend some time comparing it to the karakia we learnt in Lesson Tahi and Rua? What phrases do you recognise, which words are familiar? You might like to create your own karakia timatanga by putting some of these different phrases together.

This week we will learn another whakataukī that is foundational in our programme:
Ki te kāhore he whakakitenga ka ngaro haere te iwi.
Without foresight or vision the people will be lost.

Kupu Hou

Use the kupu hou lists in the back of each wahanga in Te Marautanga to create your own kupu hou list. You might also want to list some more straightforward vocabulary using Te Aka online dictionary. 

This is a link to Te Marautanga online. Scroll through the subject areas to find what you are looking for. Click through to access the list of subject-specific vocabulary.

Hangarau – Technology / Ngā Toi – The Arts / Pūtaiao – Science / Ngā Reo – Languages / Tikanga-a-iwi – Social Sciences / Pāngarau – Maths / Reo Māori – Māori Language / Reo Pākehā – English

To start with, pick out the language that you will use to give instructions in your subject area.


Review the instructions you have learnt to give and the grammar rules they use. Use these kupu hou from your curriculum area to adapt and tailor your instructions to your subject area.

For example in Lesson 7 we learnt to say:
“Whakahokia tēnei pukapuka – Return this book.”
A PE teacher might adapt this instruction to:
“Whakahokia te paoro – Return the ball.”

For example in Lesson 7 we learnt to say:
“Horoia ō ringaringa – Wash your hands.”
An art teacher might adapt this instruction to:
“Horoia ngā paraehe peita – Wash the paint brushes.”

For example in Lesson 7 we learnt to say:
“Tikina -Fetch.”
A math teacher might adapt this instruction to:
“Tikina tētahi tātaitai – Fetch a calculator.”

Use these instructions in your classroom.

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